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Monday, 30 May 2011

Smart Garden Watering Website or

So, it was part of this uni assignment that I write of my experience of the Smart Garden Watering Website.
I have visited on a few occasions, as I did find the site abit confusing at first, but then on other visits I did come to realise that the site really isn't that great of a site. Yes, it is interactive and you can share your plantings and water uses and disuses with other gardens, but as there are only 24 gardens saved to the site, (including mine), I found it wasn't that useful. I guess it is always good to know how much water your garden requires, but honestly I don't really see it as more than a large water-use calculator. I just take a mental note of how much, if any, extra watering my garden needs over particular weather seasons. It just seems to be missing something.
Maybe because the site is pretty young and doesn't have alot of followers, it might become more interesting further down the track. I will keep track of the website, but progress does seem to be taking a long while, I might check up every couple of months or so.
Nice idea, but needs abit more oomph.

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