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Thursday, 26 May 2011

Step 2

The build took a while as there was a few problems that I had not expected. The first was the cement footing of the wall. Obviously the wall had been build on a subsurface foundation and when constructed had no plans of anyone trying to drive a stake into the ground against the bricks. So I hit a wall, so to speak.
I settled for 400mm off the wall as the stakes had to be drivin past the level of the footing. The ground was actually alot more solid then I had expected and held the stakes quite well and just 250mm.
I set the stakes in 900mm square as I had already lost space due to the walls footing. I tried to allign the wire holes, which if you have encounted a star picket before, you would have noticed that there are only hole on one of the three edges of the picket.
At this point, my project was running quite smoothly, apart from the walls footing.
WARNING: If you attempt this yourself, please call Dial Before You Dig, I knew where all the pipes were as I installed all irrigation on this property and knew where the pipes were from previous work.
I wet the posts and base of the build to let the stakes set solid in the afternoon sun.

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